Question / Help Making my own Server for OBS and stream it to website on same system.


New Member
Im completly new to OBS and since there is almost no information on if or how you can do it i want to ask it here.

I want a Server that connected to a Camera to stream with OBS to a Website running on the same Server too. Because there is no information that i want to ask you, if it is possible?


Im completly new to OBS and since there is almost no information on if or how you can do it i want to ask it here.

I want a Server that connected to a Camera to stream with OBS to a Website running on the same Server too. Because there is no information that i want to ask you, if it is possible?

We need more information. Do you intend to broadcast to an already existing server ? Where is this server, installed on your personal computer ? Is that ? So do you intend to make everything on a single PC, is that ?
If so, you may need to install nginx rtmp server on your PC and configure. The details for running a personal rtmp nginx server is here on the forum. There's a Windows version. I myself have tried to run it, but I haven't sufficient knowledge in order to solve some problems yet. You need to detail some more.


New Member
We need more information. Do you intend to broadcast to an already existing server ? Where is this server, installed on your personal computer ? Is that ? So do you intend to make everything on a single PC, is that ?
If so, you may need to install nginx rtmp server on your PC and configure. The details for running a personal rtmp nginx server is here on the forum. There's a Windows version. I myself have tried to run it, but I haven't sufficient knowledge in order to solve some problems yet. You need to detail some more.
Thank you i will have a look into that. My intension is to build 1 Server that you can control remotly and the Server has OBS on it which will be used twice a week and a webserver which will run 24/7. And i want the Stream to get to the website on the same Server. is that possible? And which i should also mention that i would prefer x264 over nvenc but since i will go with amd on the cpu i need a Graphics card anyway.


Active Member
Yes, it should be possible to set up NGINX-RTMP on a server and use either NGINX itself or another webserver (like Apache) to host the web page in which you would embed a video player that displays a stream from NGINX. Then you stream video to NGINX from OBS, running either on that same machine, or on another machine.

OBS supports either x264 with CPU or NVENC as long as you have compatible hardware.
Thank you i will have a look into that. My intension is to build 1 Server that you can control remotly and the Server has OBS on it which will be used twice a week and a webserver which will run 24/7. And i want the Stream to get to the website on the same Server. is that possible? And which i should also mention that i would prefer x264 over nvenc but since i will go with amd on the cpu i need a Graphics card anyway.

So, you want to build a machine to accomodate all these servers, ok ?
Have you ever worked with webservers installation and management ?
What OS ( Operating System ) do you intend to use ? Windows 7, 8, 10, linux ?
Like Nargogen said above, it´s possible to keep a server like NGINX on a machine and use even it as your webserver and NGINX-RTMP in order that you can send your stream from OBS to it. Although for the RTMP protocol, perhaps you won´t find anything better than nGinx for windows, on the webserver, I personally find some other http servers easier to install and run. You know that in order for your servers be reached from outside, by other people, after installing, you´ll need to check and open some ports in your firewall/router. And do you know that you´ll need a tremendous bandwidth if you get many people hooked to your rtmp server watching a broadcast, don´t you ?

I am André and I am the technical man in our church.

Since the corona crisis, we have had a video broadcast to YouTube. This still works, but there are more and more questions whether this cannot be done by our own server.
This should be possible, but I can't get it out. Maybe you can help.

So in fact I have the same question as above.
Unfortunately, it was not continued, otherwise I would have been out.

We have the following configuration in our church
1pc - i7, 16gb
-> camera connection
-> OBS
-> 200Mb connection

Currently working:
the camera records, this is given a format in OBS and sent to youtube.
But we want to get rid of youtube, twitch or those servers.

So we want the following configuration.
on the pc (windows 10 - i7 - 16Gb) run a server such as nginx to stream the video to the outside world.

So the intention is as follows:
camera -> OBS -> nginx -> own webpage (containing a player that can play the video live)


Active Member
The main technical constraint with operating your own streaming server is the network bandwidth. You can compute the required bandwidth with this formula:

required bandwidth = number of viewers at peak time * stream bandwidth

In case you have 100 viewers at peak time and are streaming with bitrate 5000 kbit/s, this is:

required bandwidth = 100 * 5000 kbit/s = 500.000 kbit/s = 500 mbit/s

Or the other way round, if you have 200 mbit/s available, you can support this number of viewers at 5000 kbit/s:
viewers = 200 mbit/s / 5000 kbit/s = 200.000 kbit/s / 5000 kbit/s = 40

So if you intend to support more than 40 viewers at the same time, forget operating your own server. Actual number depends on the bitrate of your stream. Only if this is sufficient, you can go on. Keep in mind you should not use up the full bandwidth. There are certainly other users of your website that are additionally using up bandwidth. Use only up to 75%, i. e. only up to 150 mbit/s, i. e. 30 viewers. To check what is really available, check the currently used up bandwidth during your service times and subtract that from the available bandwidth.

In principle, nginx is technically able to service your church stream. To configure it correctly is the task of a skilled server and network administrator.
Thanx for the reply, but that is not the problem.

I got 4-10 viewers at max.

I need a webpage to publish my stream, or something to work with.
I tryed several options, but nothing is working.
I got an rtmp stream, but i cannot display it on an webpage


Active Member
Google for "nginx rtmp video player" and you will get a bunch of useful articles around the topic. Almost all of the results seem to be guides around it, including giving <video ... > html tag templates for embedding the stream to your web pages.
I got it working by MistServer (it's very simple to do), but does have MistServer an www folder or something like that where i can put my html files to made the website compleet?


Active Member
Other than the info that can be saved to the JSON file, I'm fairly certain everything is deleted after you close it.

It is working. Streaming is flawless.

Now i'm working on a keystroke with ahk to start the stream with autohotkey. But i cannot get it to working... :(