Make VLC video source reload and play all folder content when activated in scene


Trying to make a setup using the insta-replay script to run instant replays but also use the saved replay recordings in a highlight reel that can run in the pauses.
I got the instant replay working great and the replays are saved to a folder just fine.

My problem starts here when I try to use a VLC video source pointing to the folder with the saved replay files. It will not play new files that was added to the folder after last time I opened the VLC source configuration. This means I can not switch to and just activate this source to play the complete collection of highlights. I must open the configuration dialouge and save it for the source to recognize the new files. This is bit of a hassle to do in a live broadcast.

So what I am wishing for is the VLC source pointing to a folder to reaload all files in the folder when it is activated in the scene or I switch to a scene where it is part of the list.
I hope I could describe this well enough. If not give me a holler.

If there´s already some ready solution to make this work I am grateful for any suggestions.

There have been some posts about this and this is the answer I found. I don't use this feature so I can't vouch but it seems to be what you seek!