Make a "widget" full vertical

Ender of Games

New Member
Reposting from the support forum, as over two weeks with no support leads me to believe this isn't currently possible in OBS studio.

OBS windowing.PNG

Crude drawing to match my problem. If there is a way to make this widget full height, while having the other previews remain ~half, it'd be godsend to my setup. So much horizontal space is wasted, but the twitch chat and twitch stream information barely work at their heights.

Ender of Games

New Member
I found support for this, now. Not sure if I missed this- I don't think I did, but it has been so long.

full height.PNG

(ignore the chat, it doesn't like my VPN right now, I assure you it has already worked perfectly during stream)

It was done by using the window menus at the top, selecting Docks -> Full-Height Docks. You do need to keep the option selected, or it will revert.

If you want to place something at the same height as the stream preview, over the lower end of docks, you need to place a lower end dock to be full height, then place the second dock above or below the full height dock. This is a workable solution, but then those docks are locked to the same width, instead of the height of the lower docks.