[MacOs] It won't stream the game when I pass the log in screen


New Member
Hi there,

I'm new with OBS, previously using CocoaSplit, but I think OBS seems smoother and better.

Anyway, I'd like to stream SC2 on master level, so I wanted a proper stream.
I set it all up, so I can have the log-in-screen which is streamed, but as soon I'm in the main menu in the game, the screen is appearing black on stream.

If any of you have an idea I'll be thankful!



EDIT : All I want is streaming in fullscreen, 'cause I prefer fullscreen while playing a RTS. Even tho I didn't try in windowed mode, but I'm not interesting in that.

So I'm using the Syphon stuff.


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Active Member
Some apps just can't reliably be used with Syphon Inject. I'm guessing that either the login window for SC2 is actually a separate window or even app from the main game, or else something SC2 does after login stops Syphon from working.

After Syphon your best bet is Display capture.


New Member
Thanks for replying, I'll try it!
And there is no chance to make syphon working with SC2 completely?


Active Member
I have no idea; I'm not a developer, just a user of Syphon Inject (and Syphon Recorder, and Black Syphon) and OBS. From what I am given to understand, there are some games for which Syphon Inject just won't work, period. I don't know the technical details of why.

Display capture should always work and perform well. Window capture sometimes works but performs less well than either syphon or display capture.


Active Member
Even some games that do use OpenGL don't seem to work with Syphon Inject. The fan community has kept Myth II by Bungie up to date and it uses OpenGL to render, but Syphon Inject doesn't work with it, so I use display capture.