Question / Help MacOS Catalina 10.5.4 + OBS + Zoom + ? Plugin (the best)? or setup ?


New Member
The time of the question: April 2020

Computer Hardware: MacBook Pro (Retina, 13-inch, Early 2015), i5, 8GB, SSD
Operating system: MacOS Catalina 10.5.4
Phone: iPhone 7 (or this part we can update e.g. iPhone Pro 11, if needed)
Operation system: 13.3.1
Microphone and headset: Airpods Pro
Broadcaster software: OBS Studio
Version: 24.0.6, 64bit
Video broadcasting application: Zoom Client for Meetings
Version: April 2, 2020 Version 4.6.9 (19273.0402)
Plugin: ???
Something else: ???

Idea now is:
Video: iPhone is the video source for the video part -> Macbook Pro
Music: Macbook Pro or the other iPhone -> iTunes or the other music solution for this -> OBS
Microphone: Airpods Pro -> iPhone (video phone) or Macbook Pro
Headset: Airpods Pro -> iPhone (video phone) or Macbook Pro
Center point: Macbook Pro + OBS
Broadcast for consumers: Zoom Client
Consumers service: Zoom web or Zoom Client (depends what each individual/they prefer)

What is the best solution to make this setup supporting for live broadcasting (and please DO NOT answer here about WINDOWS solutions (I do not have win and I won´t change the OS for this. This question is ONLY for Mac users/using.)? What do I need? Do I miss some parts which I should have in the setup? How to make it happen (installing) successfully (short instruction, please)? What kind of wires do I need? What kind ends are in the wires, in both ends (e.g. audio cable 3,5mm male - 6,5mm male, etc.)? And how many do I needs those?

Final output (lopputuotos):
Thru Zoom (for consumers training/sport) we will send a live video (whole time), music (whole time) and "instructions" (we speak, every now on then, top of the music).
I need to mix (in advantage) live video, music and instructions so that the presenter does not have to do nothing during the presentation (no mixing, volume control or etc.). How I make to this happen?

IN ADDITION: How about if I want to add another iPhone for having two videos in the same broadcast? And how about if I want to have the third iPhone for video in the same broadcast?

My native (mother tongue) language is not English, so for me it would be easier to understand direct and short instructions than storytelling versions of instructions.
Voit myös vastata nämä ohjeet suomeksi, jos haluat ja pystyt :)

Thank you in advantage, I really appreciate your effort!


Active Member
Not currently possible on MacOS using only software. Zoom does not accept as video input any format you can get out of OBS.

If you had a second computer or at least a second video output and a hardware capture device, you could send OBS output to the capture device and use that as a webcam in Zoom. All other possibilities involve Windows or Windows software, unfortunately-- on Windows the Zoom client can accept NDI output from OBS as a camera. While NDI exists on MacOS, this facility in the Mac Zoom client does not.


New Member
... so after spending an hour finding out more about OBS, it is not compatible (on the Mac) with THE most popular video streaming program in the world?


Why not have that as a FAQ and save strangers lots of time – seeing tons of desperate posts seeking this one thread?


New Member
VirtualCam is now available for Mac OS X: Initial test have been good, though I haven't used it extensively and am still working how to connect the Audio. I think a combination of iShowU and Soundflower (Free options) can work. A more robust solution is probably Loopback by Rogue Amoeba though it cost a few dollars.