Bug Report Macbook Pro CPU hi & fans always on after 25.0.8 upgrade


New Member
Hi folks. I need some advice here please. I am using a mid 2014 macbook pro 13" w/retina. I just upgraded to the new OBS version 25.0.8 from 24.0.6. All was just fine with 24.0.6. After the upgrade, all of a sudden, every time I open OBS, my CPU usage went way up and the fans stay on all the time. That did not happen with 24.0.6. Just to let you guys know, I had upgraded to the first 25.0.6 I believe and the same thing happened. So I downgraded to 24.0.6. I saw the new 25 pop up so I thought they fixed those issues but unfortunately, they did not. if you guys have any tricks or advice, please let me know so that we can all go back to Streaming. I am sure I am not the only one with this problem. meanwhile i will go back to 24.0.6. Thanks in advanced.


New Member
I am also a Retina Macbook Pro user and have been using OBS Studio for years now. Usually my OBS CPU stays aroun 30%. Once it gets into the 40% territory I start to see performance issues so I make sure to keep it below that threshold. Tonight after updating I was seeing CPU usage between 40% and 55%. It was lag city. So I can confirm that this is indeed an issue.