MacBook Pro 16" battery usage, OBS + FB Live streaming


New Member
Hi, we're running outdoor church services now purely on batteries, due to the locations.

We have no problem running our iPhones and mobile internet devices with our existing small battery bricks BUT the MacBook Pro 16" that we are running OBS on and using to stream on FB live is running its fully charged battery down completely in less than 1hr 30mins; thus cutting off the preacher in mid-flow.

The only additional draw is our 2 channel audio interface which draws a max of 2.5W even with phantom power; which we don't use.

Any tips on:

1. Reducing battery usage, and
2. Suggestions for suitable battery bricks.
3. Does anyone know how much current our setup is likely to draw.

We could easily just go ahead and get an expensive "bells and whistles" brick but I'd prefer a small cheap one if that's going to work ok.


New Member

Well i don't know that anyone's going to be able to answer your question as that depends on many factors such as what apps you have, how optimized your system is etc. You could hook a watt meter and tell the draw but im going to suggest other things.

1. Streaming quality is bad news over wifi. PLEASE do me a favor and consider getting a 100' or less ethernet cable and adapter to hook up the laptop to your router.

2. I'd suggest just getting a really long extension cord to wherever you broadcast from and plug it in! If not though and you insist on roaming, check this out:

Its a battery source to power your mac for a while that should get you through a service i'd think. They make expensive roaming setups if you need to stream from the woods for example but i dont think youre doing that right?

Can you hook into ethernet and power with some extension cables?


New Member
Thanks Cowboy, we are actually pretty much "in the woods", it's an old mining site miles from human habitation but a lovely location, remains of several hundred year old buildings, engine houses etc.

Anyway, for Internet, I'm using a battery powered router that has no wired connections at all. I've velcroed it, along with a battery backup to a 20' extendable window mop which is zip tied to a caravan. This gives us nearly 20Meg upload which is great for streaming. We use the laptop's camera for video and an interface for audio so no wifi there; just the connection from laptop to router BUT the router is on a cellular service anyway so it's all wireless.

What I really need is a recommendation for a battery backup (brick) for the laptop, MacBook Pro 16" (100Wh battery) and some tips for improving battery drain.

Many thanks!

ps. Please ignore my signature setup as this is my personal system whereas this query relates to our mobile church setup.