Question / Help Mac Stream Setup


New Member
I searched and couldn't find much of anyone with my same issue.
I have been using wirecast to stream and would like to try some features of OBS Multiplatform.
However, I cannot seem to configure OBS to stream w/o errors.

OBS wants an address and a key. Wirecast gives me an address and a 'stream'

What do I do with these?
Is the stream key the same as 'stream'?

Do I even need a stream key?

Is whatever my problem relates to a future update? Am I just confused beyond help? (:))

At any rate, thanks again for your time.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Errors? What error are you getting? You need to have a stream key to stream if you're streaming to say, twitch for example.
There should be a total of 5 tabs in the settings department for OBS.

  • General: this just for what language you wish to see the program in, by default I believe it is English?
  • Stream: This is where you put your information such as are you streaming to an already made service such as twitch or youtube or to your own site, what service are you using (twitch, ect), What server are you using (generally the one closest to you is the server), What is your stream key, this can be located in this is so that it can locate your twitch account to stream right away.
  • Output: is Bit rate settings generally leave everything but your audio bit rate and bit rate the same your audio bit rate should be 128 and your bit rate is completely up to your upload speed so go to for that
  • Audio: that is for your microphone and game audio settings
  • Video: This is for your resolution which if you want 1080 leave it at 1920x1080 also your Fps settings which again is determined on your upload speed
Hope I helped a little


New Member
Thanks for that bit about the tabs, now I know more about OBS setup.

Well, I'm aware that I need a stream key for twitch. In this case, I think the target is "BrightCove" or something similar.
[rtmp stream: 'default_stream'] Connecting to RTMP URL rtmp://
rtmp server sent error
rtmp server requested close
Connection to {url} failed -3

So, that leads me to believe I need to use this "stream" thing from wirecast that says userblah@BLAH
but it certainly doesn't work in the "stream key" spot.
I mean I don't really understand what in the world you are talking about with OBS this what you should be seeing

I Can also say if you are trying to stream with both wire cast and OBS at the same time it will not work, one or the other will give you an error saying that you are logged into a different program under the same account, so that might be your issue.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Do you require authentication? If so, we haven't implemented it yet.


New Member
I have recorded a short tutorial video and uploaded it to Youtube, there all necessary setting are covered and I will also do this in the future for upcoming versions of OBS.
