Question / Help Mac Pro (09) NO VIDEO going to STREAM OR RECORD


New Member

I am running into the most frustrating issue ever. I am running OBS 0.15.1 on a 2009 Mac Pro with 2 Nvidia Geforce GT 120s, 16gb 1ghz ram, 2x2.93 quad core, and I am unable to get even a basic image to appear in any of my recordings or streams. I have tinkered with all the settings and read every forum post out there. To be a little more specific of my issue, I launch OBS, I create my session and input all my capture devices, then when i press stream, or record, the result on the output end is blank or looks like scrambled porn from the 90s. I am at my wits end. Seriously has no one had this problem? I have attempted every fix for black screen and blank screen but it seems most people can get their stream to go out they can't get image in. I can't deliver an image to any device. The log files also are blank so no log files to share. I included images from 2 of my test recordings. There are 100s in differing colors and styles but not a one with my desktop being captured as the preview shows. What is most infuriating is I can do this with ease on a PC with shit everything but on my 10k Mac Pro i can't even get a SD picture.


  • Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 3.01.49 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2016-10-09 at 3.01.49 PM.png
    865.2 KB · Views: 111


1. You need to post a log, regardless if you think it has useful info in it or not.

2. NV GT120's don't fully support any OS later then 10.7.x (last time I checked my notes), and seeing as that OBS requires at least 10.8.5, I would look at that as the starting point.

3. Your GPU doesn't have the proper feature set to run OBS. You have a GT120, which only supports OpenGL 3.0, not the OpenGL 3.2 that OBS requires.

4. Side note: You paid 10k for 2009 Cheese Grater? Man did you get ripped off... unless you mean you paid 10k back in the day... which looking at the current market, means your system is worth about $400-$850... so it being $10k+ 7 years ago doesn't mean much, esp. given the advancements in CPU and GPU power and features in the last 7 years.


New Member
1. All logs were corrupt had to remove OBS after last crash.
2. F****** I just upgraded my PTHD and Final Cut and everything to Mavericks... FML there goes another 2k for vidcards
3. WTF OpenGL has surpassed the 100series already???? they still sell them built into MacBooks. How did i miss that when i was upgrading? Wow....
4. yeah it was steep but I got it from Apple Direct along with 2 pre launch iPads in 2008 and 10 years of support. Lot of good that support did when I called last night. They even installed my PT cards for me. Part of that cost was the PT HD Legacy and Expansion cards.
5. I know the machine is worth very little now, especially since the trash can came out. I still like it though. I mean if the video cards worked I would be moving at around 11% cpu while streaming full 1080p60 thanks to some of the sneaky bits I did to the insides. Wish had known about those damn 120s though. Any recommendation on a replacement for them?


I like the Cheese graters too. Awesome Pro-Tools boxes, cheap, and have expansion slots! (What an old-fashioned idea!?!?!)

Side note: I actually built a hackintosh for someone who needed to keep their TDM (HD3...4 if they can find their final card) system alive... it was fun doing.

I definitely feel for you. The simple solution is that you need a better/more modern GPU. NVidia and AMD make good ones that are cheap and will work with your Mac, no issues. You just gotta look around and ask on the various Mac Forums. As to upgrading one or both GPUs... A single (modern) GPU will have a ton more power then both GT120s, and would free up one of those precious internal slots.

Some general sound advice:
A video showing an upgrade:
Another video showing a newer GPU:
Yet another video showing an upgrade to a 980Ti:

(If you hit the chat room, you might be able to get a cheap NVidia GTX 980 from Fenrir).

So it should be fairly cheap and easy for your to upgrade the box.