Bug Report Mac OSX 10.10.5 Yosemite support


New Member
Scoured this thread for a few hours now, and have probably downloaded every version there Is of OBS. The recommended version I found in a thread here won't even open, it bounces like it's going to and then never does... The version that is actually opening on my machine is OBS 0.16.2 however when I choose to add a video capture device it crashes again... so here is my crash log please help


  • 2020-03-24 19-23-24.txt
    3.2 KB · Views: 132


Active Member
That's not a crash log.

10.10 is six years old.

OBS 0.16. is four years old.

There simply aren't enough people running MacOS systems that old to be able to reproduce crash errors combining old OS versions and old app versions to see what my be causing them, especially since the answer is probably a bug that's already been fixed in a newer version. I don't have hardware old enough to run 10.10 anymore, so I can't test.

If you've got hardware that can't be upgraded to 10.12 you might want to consider installing Linux on it, it then might at least be able to run the newest OBS, or even Windows 10 in boot camp mode.