I have an old Sony HDD/DVD player onto which we transferred loads of family VHS videos around 12 years ago. The HDD/DVD has composite video outputs, SVHS, and the usual yellow/red/white video and audio outputs.
Not trusting the HDD much longer, I bought a cheap video capture device, hooked it to my Mac Air, and it worked! Quality? Well I was still experimenting, and in the midst of this upgraded to Catalina since which the video capture no longer works. I contact the supplier but no sensible replies forthcoming around updating their drivers. I plan to send the device back for refund.
But, I was really taken by how easy it could be to capture all the family video off the Sony HDD/DVD. I don't mind spending on a decent capture device but struggling to find anything at all that works with Catalina.
Any advice or ideas around a suitable capture device really appreciated. I plan to purchase something like OSMC Vero 4K+ to provide for easy playback.
Not trusting the HDD much longer, I bought a cheap video capture device, hooked it to my Mac Air, and it worked! Quality? Well I was still experimenting, and in the midst of this upgraded to Catalina since which the video capture no longer works. I contact the supplier but no sensible replies forthcoming around updating their drivers. I plan to send the device back for refund.
But, I was really taken by how easy it could be to capture all the family video off the Sony HDD/DVD. I don't mind spending on a decent capture device but struggling to find anything at all that works with Catalina.
Any advice or ideas around a suitable capture device really appreciated. I plan to purchase something like OSMC Vero 4K+ to provide for easy playback.