M1 Air lower Frametime for rendering


New Member
im using the Mac Air M1 as the streammashine with a Capturecard.

My Rendertimes are a too high for that i guess.

Im using the Hardware Encoder but the time are min. 3 to 5 without streaming or recoring and nealry 10 when i make a record or start Streaming.

CPU Usage is around 15 %

And when i make a record as a Pre Check for stream it looks horrible for me. Rendering take soooo long

Im using an HP OMEN 17 with a RTX 2070 as a Gaming PC
The Stream is in 2560:1080 Widescreen at 60 FPS
Bitrate at 6000 on both
Keyframe 0n 2

Im dissapointed i thought that the M1 is such a high solution Maschine so i Hoped it will bring as a Streaming PC in a Dual System frames around 1.0 or less.

Is there something im doing wrong? Or is this the great Performance everybodys talking about?

