Question / Help M-audio Delta 1010 and fasttrack


New Member
Hi there,
I'm not able to stream my audio from m-audio delta 1010 or the fasttrack ultra 8r.
I want to stream my DAW (ableton) output together with resolume output.
Thought I could do that in Asio without using virtual audio cables.

Who can help me out?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I don't think ASIO can be captured normally via the default built in audio capture that obs has. You might have to find any workaround that works for the time being.


ASIO drivers only allow one application to use them at the same time. I don't think there's any way OBS can get around this. What I use to capture the output of Reaper as it is using ASIO drivers, is this plugin: If you can put it on the master track, and set it to output to some sound card that is not used by ASIO (I use a virtual VB Cable device), this will allow OBS to capture that device and have your audio in the stream. There is a pretty large delay of nearly a second. You can work around this by buffering the entire scene for as much and setting a negative audio offset in advanced settings.


New Member
Thanks Jim and ThoNoT. Now I have a great setup in which ableton uses my delta 1010 (with asio drivers!), going out via the stereo master to the mixer in the delta 1010 out 1/2. this is now my windows default audio device (which are picked up by OBS). my speakers are delta 1010 out 7/8.
first OBS picked up my audio once in a while, but after I switched "asio direct monitoring" in delta 1010 off the setup is perfect! Can stream everything from resolume AND ableton at the same time, even hardwired my FFT and SMPTE from ableton to resolume. Note: NO use of VAC or other virtual audio devices! How's that! (a manual including pictures of my setup is available soon)