Question / Help Low fps in stream and high cpu use.


New Member
Hey, i got a new internet provider and got a 100k download / 20k upload speed.
Now I wanted to stream some games, for the beginning, World of Tanks.

I watched some videos on YT and searched a bit around and set my settings acordingly.
Now I got some problems, im playing in window mode 1920x1017 and im downscaling it to 1280x720.
Im trying do get 60fps with 720p but I dont think the stream gets them a looks a bit pixelated and such.

Also the CPU use overall goes up to 100% even if im streaming in HD just as mentioned above....

I think I got something wrong with my settings :/
Her some Pics of my settings.
And a log file of my longest session.


  • 2016-04-28 16-25-36.txt
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  • settings 1.png
    settings 1.png
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  • settings 2.png
    settings 2.png
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  • settings 3.png
    settings 3.png
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Active Member
Rise bitrate up to 3500. 2200 is good for 30 fps, not for 60 fps.
But if you are not Twitch partner you can´t use all maximum Twitch´s bitrate.

So, maybe 2200 and 30 fps would be the best option.


New Member
Yeah but 720p with 30fps will get me a bad quality or not?
Or is 30fps at 720p enough? Because I don't want to have a pixelated / to much pixelated screen.
Max bitrate for non-partners is 3300 or 3500 isn't it?
720p 30fps always looks fine to me and as @EBrito says you need to keep in mind the amount of data you are trying to force into a limited amount of bandwidth. If you want to learn more check out this article on the Twitch subreddit wiki:

BTW in your logs every time you put the frame rate above 30 you got massive encoding lag which is also telling me that 720p 30fps is the best your rig can do dependant on the game you are playing


New Member
Okay, I tried to stream in 720p with 60fps. I think it worked because i did it in Gamecapture mode / Fullscreen.
Before, I tried to stream with 60fps in windowed mode but it seems that window mode is pretty laggy.

Also, is it normal that the bitrate goes from for example: 2000 up to 2500 even if i set bitrate and puffer size to 2400?
Is someone of u also streaming games? Or even the same game? World of Tanks, and can post me the ideal setings for 720p streaming? Im completly new to obs.


Active Member
Use gamecapture mode. Windows / screen mode cause fps drops.
Unless you mark CBR (constant bitrate) bitrate may vary, as you mention.

If you stream a shooter, those settings would be also good for World Of Tanks. FPS games need usually more bitrate due to quick image changes (when you turn 180º to kill an emeny you hear behind you), for example)
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New Member
So for streaming World of Tanks I should set the bitrate high enoug, like 3300 to get enough for video + audio and I should enable CBR? I tried it sometimes on and with 3350 bitrate the stream was looking good on my smartphone without any interruption ( no loading screen ).