Question / Help Low FPS in CS:GO while streaming


New Member

My name is Thijs. I've been streaming for around 2-3 months i think. Everything was fine until yesterday. I installed a Windows update ( windows 10 ) and i started streaming the next morning and i couldn't even stay above 60-70 fps. I turned off OBS and i got around 400-500 fps with ease. Normally when i stream it should be around 150-250 depending on the map etc.

Does anybody experience the same problem?

My logs from this morning

thanks in advance


New Member
I have the same problem, i have used obs for 5 months and i have always got more than 100 fps in csgo, after yesterdays windows 10 update i cant get over 30 when using game capture. screen capture works fine.
pls fix


It´s an issue what many people seems to have with Win10+Maxwell or Pascal Nvidia cards+2nd monitor. please try disable preview in OBSS or even disconnect 2nd monitor and look what happens then..
One solution at the moment, as i read, is to connect the 2nd monitor to mainboard(iGPU of your Intel CPU). Others could fix it with a completely new installation of nvidia drivers