lost scarett 2i2 as input


New Member
new to iinux/obs. using ubuntu studio 22.04 and freshly installed 29.01 OBS. installed 2i2 and disabled MSD and able to see active device in dmesg. I was able to add 2i2 initially as it came up as an alsa device and it worked fine. i then had to restart setup due to efforts to connect ardour to OBS (successfully) but when i go back to add the 2i2, it no longer comes up in obs as an input device. However it DOES come up as an output device(that works) although it says pulseaudio in parentheies and not alsa). i believe i read that alsa is the underlying code that talks directly to the device and then works through pulseaudio/pipewire/jack etc. i suspect i made some adjustment when connecting ardour BUT i am not an expert at this! :-)

any suggestions?

thanks in advance