Question / Help Lossless Not Lossless?


New Member
A couple of days ago I had to reinstall Windows 10 on my PC and setting everything back up. Previously I used OBS as a way to get lossless video of pixel-games to turn into GIFs, etc.

But now I just can't seem to be able to get any of the "lossless" settings to actually be lossless. Each video I make using the lossless mode (I was using Simple lossless I believe) is fuzzy and has artifacts on it. I'm not sure what I've done or what I can do to solve this.

Am I missing something? Is it a video render which I had which I no longer don't? Any help would be appreciated.

Log file:


Active Member
Some of your attempts were lossless and others were not (one was 50000 CBR veryfast).

This one should be lossless:

11:00:01.761: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
11:00:01.761: rate_control: lossless


11:00:01.915: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
11:00:01.915: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Movies/2020-03-24 11-00-01.mp4'...

and this one:

11:06:13.316: [NVENC encoder: 'recording_h264'] settings:
11:06:13.316: rate_control: lossless


11:06:13.468: ==== Recording Start ===============================================
11:06:13.468: [ffmpeg muxer: 'adv_file_output'] Writing file 'C:/Movies/2020-03-24_11-06-13.mp4'...

You are launching OBS in OpenGL mode, which is a deprecated renderer. Not sure if that matters.

10:53:23.165: Initializing OpenGL...
10:53:23.760: Loading up OpenGL on adapter NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 1060 6GB/PCIe/SSE2
10:53:23.761: OpenGL loaded successfully, version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 442.74, shading language 3.30 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
10:53:23.761: Warning: The OpenGL renderer is currently in use. On windows, the OpenGL renderer can decrease capture performance due to the lack of specific features used to maximize capture performance. The Direct3D 11 renderer is recommended instead.


Active Member
I'm not sure why but your encoder settings aren't in that logfile-- I can't see your settings at all. I can see your video settings, but not your encoder settings.

I'm also not familiar enough with the content to see the degradation you refer to-- I don't see anything there that looks like a compression artifact, for instance.


New Member
I do use VLC, it's the problem of loading it into Photoshop, which should just be using the pure data.


is this not showing up for you when you load the file into something like photoshop or direct capture? Am I using some weird codec that's doing this on my side? I should note - videos that I took prior to this in OBS which I still have are completely fine, and load into Photoshop without this issue at all - it's new files.

As for Encoder - Setting Simple to "Lossless" means it does not show Encoder info, unlike "indistiguishable" mode, which has NVENC, Software (264) and Software (264 Low CPU) modes.


New Member
Solved the issue.

Neede to set Renderer to Color Format RGB, Color Space 709, Color Range Full.