Question / Help Losing audio/video sync over time - Mac Yosemite


New Member
During our average 3 hour streams, at just before the 2 hour mark a considerable desync of the audio and video occurs to stream and local record. It's slowly slipping over time, but it takes just under 2 hours for it to become obnoxiously off.

Is there a way to make sure that OBS stays in sync with the system better? We run our audio through Jack router, then into OBS. But we've noticed even directly routed audio into OBS loses sync over time. While recording locally or not. Also even when the system is barely being pushed (Like maybe 1 game, OBS, Jack router & Skype running at the max). This occured even before the most recent update and before I upgraded to Yosemite.

Here are the system specs:


Any help or tips would be appreciated....I have a feeling it's the strictly an issue with the multiplatform/mac version of OBS from the amount I've found on this....


- Crit Camp Gaming


New Member
For reference, the archive from the last stream we did. Notice the sync is on for the first hour or so (ignore my, @chrismittens, lipsync a bit as thats just due to the audio interface that will get fixed soon), then drifts a bunch towards the 2 hour mark on:


Ray Naylor

New Member
Not sure if this is one solution, but I thought I'd mention it. I use Final Cut Pro for my recorded video (not related of OBS or streaming). I used to have a syncing problem just like your having, the audio drifts, and it got out of sync. What I learned was that the proper audio sample rate for video is 48,000. In the past, several times I had the audio sample rate at 44,100. I'm not talking about the audio which was recorded by the camera, but the sample rate in a separate audio track, which I then synced to the video. Whether this is an issue with streaming video, I'm not sure. But, check your sample rate in settings.


New Member
Thanks Ray, I'll have to try this. I was having this issue myself (and being I stream for upwards of 8 hours at a time) it was becoming a real problem for me. :)