Question / Help Lose game audio

scott brooks

New Member
Hey guys i'm very new to obs. so please bear with me. Once i capture my game footage on obs on my windows PC all the footage looks great with great audio. but once i put the footage on a thumb drive to transfer it to my Mac it looses the audio??? please help. i want to use my Mac because it has all my video editing software and my PC does not. Thanks for your help.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
It sounds like the program you're using to view it on the mac does not have the required codecs to hear the audio. What are you using play back the file?


New Member
i have the same problem, sometime the sound isn't record, i need to restart OBS 0.8.3 . I use 32bits ( some black screen for the elgato with the 64bits ) .
And i have see if we choose custom record settings sometime the quality is record as the same of the stream bitrate.
The multistream isn't possible with the elgato because he say : this devise is use by an other application.

Sorry for my bad english :.
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