Bug Report Looking for OBS card that avoids VLC

I noticed something weird going in my house. When I use the Hauppauge Rocket and HDPVR software,. It requires the use of VLC and a IP address.

Whenever I seem to turn it on my dad's movie watching simultaneously stops loading.

Keep in mind two things. First I have not started my stream so it took no bandwidth. Second the house only has 1.5 megabits in 400 kilobits out.

Then when I switch to an easycap card and ran easycap software for Macintosh, the mere capturing of the footage did not drain the network.

is that a coincidence or is there some legitimacy to the fact that VLC uses Network and cogs incoming and outgoing transmissions even when that broadcasting to the web?

If so then I have an S-Video and composite easycap compatible card, and I already got one HDMI version coming and will order another one at the first of the month.

There's only two things I need help with. One is finding a component capture card that'll avoid using VLC, if my diagnosis is correct, and an ntsc capture card, for Atari, coleco, intellivision, astrocade, etc

Also streamlabs told me of a way to broadcast out using an Android. I'll check it out soon, on the next trip I take out somewhere. I'll do with 3DS game in 3D in the car.

If it is just a coincidence, how do I convince others of that?


Active Member
If you're using VLC as a network client, you may not be consuming Internet bandwidth, but you are using internal network capacity, and depending on what your local network is and what it comprises, that may negatively impact other users on the local network.

Not at all clear to me from the above what your OBS use case is, so I'm uncertain what else to suggest.
The reason why I ask is because I'm using a Hauppauge Rocket on both OS 10.9 for downstairs CRT RF to component video, and upstairs with iOS 10.12 and HDMI based ganes.

The problem with the Hauppauge is that the Macintosh software called HD PVR requires output to go to an IP address in order for OBS to capture it. the only way OBS capture it seems to be window capture and using VLC is window capture.

However I plug my analog video into the Mac directly using the easycap analog video connector and OBS scene to pick it up directly.

If that's my assumption that I should pick up EZ cap brand capture cards because they do not touch the IP network.

By the way I have one composite/S video already, have an HDMI 1 in the mail coming by May 4th from China, and we'll order another HDMI 1 on the first of the month.

Now there are two possibly three formats left about direct capturing. The three formats I have to capture remaining are ntsc rf, component video, and SCART. Also upstairs I have a VGA monitor and was wondering how to get VGA to USB for capturing on my computer.

I guess I could convert RF to composite and VGA to HDMI if I can't find any direct capturers. I just have to make sure there is a most direct path to the TV, and converters are along that line as little as possible.
If you're using VLC as a network client, you may not be consuming Internet bandwidth, but you are using internal network capacity, and depending on what your local network is and what it comprises, that may negatively impact other users on the local network.

Not at all clear to me from the above what your OBS use case is, so I'm uncertain what else to suggest.
Trying to capture video on a Macintosh. And pipe that video with a capture card into my Android, end broadcast out using streamlabs Android app.
I might as well get to the main point I'm looking for. The above was the explanation of why I'm looking for some particular something.

The main thing I care about is the what.

I currently have easycap versions of composite S-Video and in the mail on May 4th HDMI. I will get a second HDMI on the first of the month.

Now my only issues are dealing with ntsc RF, component video, scart video, add a VGA CRT monitor in one of my two places. I currently have an HDMI to VGA converter.

What do you think is easier and better: converting those missing formats to HDMI, or Composite in the case of ntsc RF, or finding easycap compatible capture cards for those formats?

Also does anyone know way add 3D to VGA CRT monitor? The Sega Master System had Sega scope would you let you use any TV to become 3D. Is there a similar technology for VGA monitor that doesn't require a computer to process the video?
Does VLC work on the IP addresses, if so, would disconnecting from the MAIN DSL network, and sending video to an Android with a screen capture card work?

If so, I can run my Hauppauge Rocket without interfering with family's network.