Looking for ideas for multiple remote cameras

STeve Bailey

New Member
So I want to stream my Amazon and eBay business. I want to show picking, packing, shipping, answering questions, etc. Help people get their own businesses going. Problem is I have multiple stations throughout my house. I have a picking station (where I pick inventory to ship), a packing station, a weighing and label printing station, etc. I'd like to find a way to have mutliple remote cameras (I'm thinking RTSP and IP cameras but I don't know if that's the best option) that I can feed back into my OBS setup in my office.

I see a lot of streamers with over the shoulder cameras which show them and their entire setup but I'm thinking they just use very long USB cables which wouldn't work for me.

Anyone have any recommendations? Minimum would be 720p 30FPS. I can do hardwired too as all my stations have ethernet drops and could do POE but I'd like to keep the cost per camera reasonable ($100'ish if possible). I looked at NDI cameras and PTZ cameras but they're all prohibitively expensive. Also thought about raspberry Pi's as encoders connecting the cameras USB to them but that didn't give a good frame rate.

Appreciate suggestions.
