Question / Help Looking for creative idea for scene switch triggered by music beats


New Member
Does anyone have any ideas on being able to trigger scene changes, (maybe through Advanced Scene Switcher) based on audio? I'm broadcasting music and want scenes to change "on beat". Optimally incorporate Adv Scene Switcher's timed delay, where it only checks for a beat after a time delay to switch scenes, then waits for the next delay time to expire before checking again.


Active Member
There isn't any kind of audio processing built into OBS on that level, much less any sort of beat detection (which is a tricky problem in and of itself to get right), much less algorithmic control enough to allow staying on a given scene until however many seconds/beats have passed.

If you have a third-party piece of software able to do beat-detection and trigger a hotkey press at your defined criteria it might be able to be jury-rigged in to send a scene-change command to OBS, but I'm not aware of any that work like that.


New Member
Thanks for your input @FerretBomb . That actually gives me an idea since MIDI messages can be mapped to key press. So an app that can meet the criteria and generate MIDI would be the ticket. Waiting for other thoughts.....


New Member
Google has been doing some interesting AI-assisted audio algorithm work based around midi, the project is called Magenta. Check out the demo's, you can play around with them.