Looking for a scrolling effect/filter that can do a rolling display similar to clocks or LED Matrixes


New Member
Hi all, I'm new to OBS and am still trying to figure out the best way I can accomplish this goal, so any help that can point me in a direction would be appreciate. I'm looking for a filter or effect(s) I can apply to text input that will give it a rolling effect similar to the displays of oldschool digital panels.

Here is a perfect example of what I mean:

I tried using the default "Scroll" filter effect but the scrolling of this text is incredibly smooth and doesn't mimic the effect I am looking for. There are also no additional parameters that I can really play around with on this filter that would be helpful in accomplishing this.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


New Member
Please ignore, figured out a way to do it.

For all those curious in the future, you can use Snaz "Text Line Changer" to update the text field and have it replace the instances of the letters to make it look like its scrolling. Gives the same effect.