Bug Report Long "Stopping Recording..."


New Member
Three times in a row I have tried to record a 2-3 minute video, and when I stop the recording, I just get the "Stopping Recording..." message show up, and it never actually stops. At first the encoder was overloaded because it was on indistinguishable quality, then I bumped it down to high quality (using simple output) and it does the same thing.

Specs here: http://pcpartpicker.com/list/nBRYNN
Log: http://pastebin.com/sSsPzKUZ

Edit: It works fine with recordings that are like under 30 seconds, I tried recording another 3 minute video, will see if it works!
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New Member
Just tried recording my monitor instead of the game capture, and it was even worse, where the preview froze right when I started recording