Live speaker pausing mid-sentence, causes audio to drop off for several seconds with loud electronic buzz, then comes back.

Using Atem mini pro with Firmware version 8.4 (we think)

Computer Switcher Software version 8.4

Connected via USB-mini-C

Other things to know: We are using Microsoft Edge for our Internet browser to connect with Facebook and confirm set-up. We are using the Zoom App for streaming purposes and thru the Zoom app, we are streaming to Facebook.

Here’s the problem: when our speaker is speaking and makes a slight pause of about 1.5 seconds to 2 seconds and then begin speaking again, the sound completely drops off and is replaced by an electronic buzz or hum. After a few seconds (it varies), the speakers’ voice input/output comes back and the electronic buzz/hum goes away until the next pause.

At first, I thought it was the gate causing the drop-off as it is very similar to the effect that gate has on the audio.

We adjusted the gate, the delays, the compression, the EQ’s, turned the gate off, turned the gate on, and everything we could think of in between.

NOTHING has worked.

If anyone has an idea of what else we might try, drop a comment for us. Thanks