Question / Help Live Audio Output


New Member
How does one output video and audio to a local monitor?

As part of a theater production, I need to switch between and output several video clips to a monitor (connected via HDMI)
Using the Fullscreen Projector, video output works perfectly but there is no audio.
Having searched the forums several times I have found no solution. I can only assume that I have not used the correct terminology in the search as being able to output audio seems to be one of the major purposes of broadcast software.

Thanks in advance for any and all replies/solutions/clarifications. I look forward to being able to hear my videos!



OBS Studio at this time does not output audio to desktop for most sources (as you have found out).

This is one of the few missing features for parity completeness between Studio and Classic.

I recommend that you use OBS Classic with the Video plugin, or use an external program (like VLC) and have OBS Studio capture/display that.


New Member
Thanks for the clarification, disappointing as it is.
I see that Classic is not available for Linux..... Strike two.
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New Member
-While OBS Studio doesn't output audio to the desktop, does that mean it also doesn't output audio to the HDMI display via Fullscreen Projector?

Thanks again!


The VLC source option in Studio doesn't output audio to the desktop.

To use VLC with OBS Studio:
  1. Install VLC (available for most Linux Distros w/o having to compile from source.)
  2. Get VLC outputting audio to whatever device you need it to be sent to.
  3. Capture VLC in OBS via Window capture.
That should at least help your issue until routable audio output is added.