List Script Functions

List Script Functions 0.2


GrumpyDog submitted a new resource:

List Script Functions - LUA Developer Helper Tool

If you create lua scripts for obs and would like a quick way to index your functions, this script can help.

This file adds no functionality to OBS whatsoever. In order to use it, you use it like any other OBS Script

It will create a new file with the index contents in the same folder where you selected your Script to index from.

Use this at your own risk.

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New Member
When I use Lua script around the third time I advance the script it hangs up the transition ability. Doesn't matter where in the script you are 3 advancements and hung. The only way to get out of it is to shut down OBS but you can't do that in the middle of a live stream. Transition works great with all the other scene changes.


When I use Lua script around the third time I advance the script it hangs up the transition ability. Doesn't matter where in the script you are 3 advancements and hung. The only way to get out of it is to shut down OBS but you can't do that in the middle of a live stream. Transition works great with all the other scene changes.
Hey, do you mind to explain how you are using this script? I did not create it to be used during a live broadcast, but if you explain how you are using it, it may help to understand how to solve any potential issues.