Linux Implementation Roadmap Questions


New Member
Just trying to figure out what the goals of the Linux version of OBS. Questions that come to my mind are

-Will OBS use ffmpeg or libav or both or X?
-Is it going to use the distro maintained binaries for whatever the answer to question 1 is?
-Is the goal to get the package into repositories? Or use PPAs etc.? Or downloadable debs/rpms?

Anything else?

Is the dev thread going to be split for the different platforms?


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Forum Moderator
Libav feels a bit lacking, but we don't really need FFmpeg too much, right now the core only uses it for audio resampling mostly. We're hoping to maybe try to get away from it as a dependency for the core, but honestly if debian stopped being stupid and started using FFmpeg, I would be super happy.

Our ubuntu ppa currently depends on another FFmpeg ppa. Honestly, the FFmpeg issue is only really a problem with debian systems though.

Right now we just use the PPAs, but once the program is more feature complete I'm hoping that real packages may start showing up.

Dev forum doesn't need to be split; the forum hasn't been too active. Mostly just the chat instead.