limiting frames on game capture?


New Member
So i just found this option in properties of game capture: "limit the number of captured frames per second"
What exactly does it do? Should i enable it? Couldn't really find any useful info on the internet

Suslik V

Active Member
The Game Capture's Limit Framerate wasn't implemented properly since introduction, and now it simply divides by 2 the frame rate of the captured source - if game engine renders 120 frames/sec OBS will grab only 60.

Tech details:

It is wise to cap the rendering framerate of the captured game (keep it equal to recording fps) and do not use this option.


New Member
but in the settings i can also set fps that gets recorded? right? so where is the difference? Especially if i don't want to play on 60 fps, so lets say i play with 120fps and record 60fps, should i use this option or not?

Suslik V

Active Member
In OBS Settings you define output (or let's say the "canvas") properties.

If game renders 120 fps then all 120 frames will be captured (copied) per second and excessive frames will be thrown away to fit all into output of 60 fps. If option is checked then the "frame is ready to be captured - copy it!" will be called twice less times, so OBS will grab (copy) only each second frame that was rendered by the game.

If you sure that your game running smooth 120 fps, and OBS set to output 60 fps, then check the mentioned option.


New Member
ok so if i understand correctly not worth using if I can't maintain stable 120fps right? so if my game has from 100 to 120fps not worth enabling it because it will sometimes show less than 60 fps on stream?