Question / Help LGP Lite Stream Engine Video Bitrate


At what point does the video bitrate on the lgp stream engine become near enough lossless? I don't see 60mbps being needed and surely at that video bitrate its just sending unnecessary data through the USB causing more CPU to be used right?

Not usually a problem but as I use MY pc as the stream pc and I have a second PC being captured through the LGP Lite I'd like to optimize it really.


Bitrate does not directly correlate to quality. It depends on the encoding method and tuning, e.g. a preference for speed will give you less quality per bitrate. You'll have to find a good balance between size and quality (encoder load).


There will be a line where more bitrate will be a deminishing return and not really noticeable, especially due to twitch encoding. I dont see that being anywhere near 20mbps let alone 60 however I'm not entirely sure with capture cards, I'm talking about expierence from youtube / twitch encoding. I imagine I could probably even set it as low as 3-4mbs due to streaming at 2500kbs


Software encoding (x264) is recommendable because it gives you a better quality per bitrate for typical streaming bitrates such as 3000kbit/s for Twitch. Note that you should not go higher than 2500 for Twitch if you have viewers in Europe unless you are partnered.


Yeah you're not reading what I mean ;-)

I'm talking about using the stream engine to capture another PC into my OBS. Hence my quesiton about how much is worth it for the CPU usage, if there is any difference.


So an update to this, I've settled on 10-15mbs, seems to give the best picture/performance area while running it on my pc which is also the pc that uses obs, I'm still tweaking it with it sat at 15mbs, for some reason I don't feel that setting it to 3-4mbs is a wise idea as its re-encoded, so it needs to be a higher bitrate when it gets to OBS. It certainly doesn't need to be 60mbs which is the maximum.

However I'm planning on setting up a cheap workhorse PC through a second hand forum, its really cheap to do just need to wait until payday! I'll be able to run the capture card at full HD aswell as webcam and such aswell, even though I run an i7 2700k there is noticeable choppyness to the stream, while I don't get many viewers I'm a bit of a perfectionist and its a nice little project :)