LF Betting System


New Member
Hello guys.

Im searching for a betting system. That not only takes the bets but also show the statistics, like Most betted option and less betted option.
How many "coins" that were betted.
How many ppl that have betted.

The Modbot does not have these features.(beside simple gambling(betting) system, that is not showing current bets)
The guy i saw using the exact bot i need is: http://www.twitch.tv/thenexxx

But i got no response what so ever. So hopefully you guys can help me :)

Thanks all.
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New Member
It isn't really related to OBS Broadcaster Software in anyway but the bot that TheNexXx uses is Deepbot. It does have a point/loyalty system but the only way you'll be able to display these values (coins betted, number of bets, etc) is by displaying the Deepbot application anyways.

Link: http://deepbot.deep.sg/


New Member
the only way you'll be able to display these values (coins betted, number of bets, etc) is by displaying the Deepbot application anyways