Question / Help Laptop ingame capturing


New Member
i read the thread about it already, but it still doesnt work for me with Window/Game Capturing,
i wanna have a Background Image so i cant use Monitor capturing cause it doesn Show textes etc ingame.
I got the Settings of my GPU on the same for the game and OBS, but it still only Shows black Screen when capturing ingame via Window Capture, but the mouse capture is changed like it is ingame.

Anything to do?

Or do i really have to capture via Monitor Capturing only?



Active Member
You are running OBS on your iGPU.

Use Nvidia Control Panel to set envidia running on Nvidia GPU.


New Member
How, i already set both the game and OBS running on Highperformance Nvidia.

I dont quit get why it still doesnt work.


Active Member
16:42:37.853: Loading up D3D11 on adapter NVIDIA GeForce GTX 765M (0)
You are running OBS on your NVidia GPU.

For LOL, run OBS as Administrator.


New Member
Isnt it right running it on my nividia GPU ? Isnt it exactly what i should do? :D

Tried to run it as admin, still doesnt capture it