Pitmon Foxall IV
New Member
While streaming and recording, I have a ton of fps drop in game. I am also noticing that the quality of my recordings and streams aren't 1 to 1 with my settings. If I record/stream Overwatch at max settings, the video output is high at best.
Here is my most recent log: https://gist.github.com/4851de03b92a3f66a3c27519952ce915
My build:
Intel i7-7700k
Asus ROG Strix 1070
16MB corsair ddr4 3200
Here is my most recent log: https://gist.github.com/4851de03b92a3f66a3c27519952ce915
My build:
Intel i7-7700k
Asus ROG Strix 1070
16MB corsair ddr4 3200