Question / Help Lag on Twitch not YouTube

Eric Sita

New Member
Hey guys,

Strange issue I am having. I am an expat I live in Sao Paulo Brazil. I have streamed on twitch many times before from here nothing has changed really. I originally downloaded OBS Studio but I cant remember why but I got rid of it to use Classic Instead I even did Extra Life 24 hour stream with no problem. I switched recently to studio and had issues with Twitch where if i watched my stream it would stop with spinning wheel and buffer every so often. I have used very similar settings my Buffer is never over 3500 and even as low as 1000 it was doing same thing. I switched back to classic because I had custom buffer checked. Tried again and no luck. has my Download/Upload at about 40/20 when wired.

I tried to stream to different servers here in South America. With twitch test the quaity ratings were all high with good pings. My log seems to say I am having issues hitting Twitch fast 621 ms. I then tested today with YouTube streaming even on Wireless and it was pretty perfect no hiccups. What am I doing wrong?! I feel it must be a setting i changed because I never had a problem with Twitch here in Brazil before the other night. I just did a new test and I saw no real issues on YouTube. Switched over to Twitch and Same issue the spinning wheel and some dropped frames when i watch my own stream. Twitch Inspector shows random 10 second spikes where my bit rate plummets. Tough to communicate with my ISP they pretty clueless down here.

Few other things to note. I know my internet is pretty good but I think my ISP can be messing me up might just be in my head. My tests show 40/20 ish but show like 5/5 so not sure what to trust I stream, play other games, download and work from home no issues. ALSO i know that I am on Wireless but just for this test but results were identical yesterday on Wired. I was on wired all night last night with same issue though I was just too lazy to run my cable today. Let me know what you guys think i think my log has both Youtube and Twitch



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Eric Sita

New Member
Ok last shot at a bump before I just stick to YouTube where i had no troubles :( but I really want to use Twitch.


What internet provider do you use? It seems more like Twitch server issues rather than a config on your side...


New Member
I have the same issue. I get a stable 3000 kbs to YouTube, with around 0-2% dropped frames, but Twitch is like a bag of potato, it's around 40-60% and the bitrate is fluctuating.

Eric Sita

New Member
Its so strange guys. Like I said never had any issues before streamed on even extra life marathon. So today I just decided ill try again maybe it was just a Twitch issue and today I streamed perfectly same settings all around. I use Live Tim etrnlwait. Maybe it was a couple days worth of issues with Twitch from where I am from.