Question / Help Lag for viewers, but no dropped frames from OBS or lag ingame


New Member
Hello, the issue I'm facing is quite an annoying one - basically, for the past week or so I've started getting issues with my OBS where my viewers complain about seeing lag in stream. I don't get any lag in game, my internet is fine and OBS shows 0 dropped frames. And I don't mean buffering - just video lag (audio seems to be fine). I noticed it even in my past broadcast where it would look like a slideshow, but audio would be good. I didn't change any of my OBS settings, so I'm really confused what caused it. The only thing I can think of is I recently updated OBS to the latest version. But before the update I'd have issues where OBS would randomly crash or OBS preview would freeze and be stuck frozen. Please help me with this issue cause I have no idea what it is. Oh, and the only software changes I had recently were automatic windows 10 update.

Attached log from last stream.


  • 2016-12-14 19-01-18.txt
    17.3 KB · Views: 98

your cpu is struggling on the current settings, this is shown here in the log "
Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 16236 (3.5%)" try changing the cpu preset from veryfast to superfast.


New Member
But how come I never had that problem before? And I didn't change any settings, didn't install any new software.... :/


New Member
Also, could this be a problem?

19:01:20.017: ---------------------------------
19:01:20.061: [CoreAudio encoder]: Adding CoreAudio AAC encoder
19:01:20.093: [AMF Encoder] Version
19:01:20.093: [AMF Encoder] Unable to load 'amfrt32.dll', error code 126.
19:01:20.093: [AMF Encoder] Uncaught Exception: Unable to load 'amfrt32.dll', error code 126.
19:01:20.117: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/ffmpegsumo.dll' not found, loading of module failed
19:01:20.229: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libcef.dll' not found, loading of module failed
19:01:20.252: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libEGL.dll' not found, loading of module failed
19:01:20.279: Required module function 'obs_module_load' in module '../../obs-plugins/32bit/libGLESv2.dll' not found, loading of module failed
19:01:20.302: Failed to load 'en-US' text for module: 'obs-browser.dll'
19:01:20.302: [browser_source: 'Version: 1.26.0']
19:01:20.360: NVENC supported
19:01:20.695: Couldn't find VLC installation, VLC video source disabled
19:01:20.745: No blackmagic support
19:01:20.904: ---------------------------------
The problem could be an update to the game software or you are steaming a different game which is working your pc a little harder.

The AMF Encoder error is related to AMD where you are running Nvidia so I don't see it. The "Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 16236 (3.5%) is a common issue usually related to high cpu. Run some tests and trend your cpu while you game then review the results it should show it maxing out at certain parts.


New Member
The problem could be an update to the game software or you are steaming a different game which is working your pc a little harder.

The AMF Encoder error is related to AMD where you are running Nvidia so I don't see it. The "Number of skipped frames due to encoding lag: 16236 (3.5%) is a common issue usually related to high cpu. Run some tests and trend your cpu while you game then review the results it should show it maxing out at certain parts.

Well, I've been streaming only CSGO for the past 2 months, but I noticed that recently I can't have my browser open when streaming that game cause then the game stutters and it used to be fine a month ago.

Btw, shouldn't frame drop be shown at the bottom of OBS preview window? Like when viewers see lags, OBS doesn't show any dropped frames at all.


New Member
Ok, I tried recording with OBS with superfast setting and in a game like CSGO with lots of motion my webcam sometimes would horribly pixelate. Are there any other ways to reduce my CPU usage and keep the current quality?
You can lower the resolution from 720p to 540p say or lower the fps from 30 downwards the will reduce the cpu encoding required, you could then also move back to veryfast cpu preset I expect. I'm assuming when you say recording you mean steaming.

The CPU you have the 4670 is pretty weak now so this is why you are struggling as encoding in x264 uses the cpu and this can be intense especially on high motion games like fps.


New Member
You can lower the resolution from 720p to 540p say or lower the fps from 30 downwards the will reduce the cpu encoding required, you could then also move back to veryfast cpu preset I expect. I'm assuming when you say recording you mean steaming.

No, I meant recording. I cannot test it out on streaming right now, so I tried it out on recording with OBS. I assume when streaming with superfast preset it would be the very same or even worse, would it not?


Active Member
Well, I've been streaming only CSGO for the past 2 months, but I noticed that recently I can't have my browser open when streaming that game cause then the game stutters and it used to be fine a month ago.

Btw, shouldn't frame drop be shown at the bottom of OBS preview window? Like when viewers see lags, OBS doesn't show any dropped frames at all.

CSGO has implemented HRTF audio
CSGO uses 4 cores.
HRTF needs 1 more core, or it compites with main CSGO core.


Look my info for my settings with NVENC
(Core2Quad and GTX 750 TI)


New Member
CSGO has implemented HRTF audio
CSGO uses 4 cores.
HRTF needs 1 more core, or it compites with main CSGO core.


Look my info for my settings with NVENC
(Core2Quad and GTX 750 TI)

Yes, I was thinking about disabling HRTF myself. Thank you for the suggestion :)