Lack of aspect ratio settings.

I finally got it to where I could get a hand cam for my local room so you could see me press the joystick and look at my face, as well as game footage capture which currently is an HDMI but I'm having problems using the VLC because of just sheer lack of bandwidth at my house. so I'm trying to use a easycap compatible card but it only works if I use a USB card that drops it down to 640 by 480.

unfortunately that also makes the screen for by 3 and distorted from its original 16 by 9. I do not see any aspect ratio settings. and it's very hard to understand how to stretch it and crop it so that I do get 16 by 9 while having the whole screen. the screen currently looks taller than it should be and everything is stretched vertically. I tried doing the control click and it says transform but it doesn't have a 16 by 9 to 4 by 3 or 4 by 3 to 16 by 9 transformation.

Also, currently I only have an HDMI input device in. is there such a thing as a VGA capture device that plugs into USB input that runs off easycap and doesn't require the IP address which causes me so much problems because it clogs up the network?

That would go a long way in solving it's a VGA to USB capture card that doesn't use IP addresses.