Bug Report KillingFloor Game Capture hooks to other processes

I noticed that my Game Capture for KillingFloor seems to hook into other processes, much like the "Automatic Game Capture Fullscreen" thing do i think, even though i have it manually set to just KillingFloor.

I even have a lot of other Game Captures in the same Scene, but they don't duplicate this error.

The Game Capture says:

[KillingFloor.exe]: (null)

Not sure if the "null" thing is the culprit or if it's just the process or something else though.

Here's an example from the log. This is with OBS on but not Recording, so just "standby" if you will.

09:05:06: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture
09:05:50: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] attempting to hook process: KillingFloor.exe
09:05:50: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] Hooked to process: NexusClient.exe
09:05:50: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] (half life scientist) everything..  seems to be in order
09:05:50: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] Hooked DXGI
09:18:21: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] attempting to hook process: KillingFloor.exe
09:18:21: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] Hooked to process: zplayer.exe
09:18:21: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] (half life scientist) everything..  seems to be in order
09:18:21: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] Hooked D3D9
09:18:21: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] d3d9 shared texture capture successful
09:18:23: [game-capture: 'Killing Floor'] capture window no longer exists, terminating capture


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
See if changing the priority in the properties helps at all.