Hi, I'm currently working on an art installation. In this installation I'm using multiple monitors, driven by an HDMI splitter: the splitter behaves as a single monitor for my PC, but splits the image in 6 and sends each fragment of the image to a different physical monitor.
I am trying to drive this using OBS via a fullscreen projector sent to the splitter. I have a scene, titled "Composition", that features 6 Scenes-as-sources, each scene titled "Monitor 1" to "Monitor 6". I start a fullscreen projector on my Composiiton scene, and then my intent is to swap sources in an out of each "Monitor" scene manually or through scripts.
The issue I'm facing is that as soon as I go to edit any other scene than Composition, some of the sources freeze. Specifically, only the sources in use in whatver scene I'm editing are kept playing, the other ones are stopped.
I have a workaround: in studio mode, I can keep my Composition active on the left pane, and never use a scene transition. But that's not great: it uses a lot of screen real-estate, and if I hit the wrong hotkey, I might start sending a single Monitor scene to the splitter.
Is there a way to pin my Composition scene so that it remains active? Or another way to achieve what I'm aiming for here? I realize OBS may not be the ideal solution, if so I'm also happy to take recommendations of Linux software that works in this kind of environment. Thanks!
I am trying to drive this using OBS via a fullscreen projector sent to the splitter. I have a scene, titled "Composition", that features 6 Scenes-as-sources, each scene titled "Monitor 1" to "Monitor 6". I start a fullscreen projector on my Composiiton scene, and then my intent is to swap sources in an out of each "Monitor" scene manually or through scripts.
The issue I'm facing is that as soon as I go to edit any other scene than Composition, some of the sources freeze. Specifically, only the sources in use in whatver scene I'm editing are kept playing, the other ones are stopped.
I have a workaround: in studio mode, I can keep my Composition active on the left pane, and never use a scene transition. But that's not great: it uses a lot of screen real-estate, and if I hit the wrong hotkey, I might start sending a single Monitor scene to the splitter.
Is there a way to pin my Composition scene so that it remains active? Or another way to achieve what I'm aiming for here? I realize OBS may not be the ideal solution, if so I'm also happy to take recommendations of Linux software that works in this kind of environment. Thanks!