it looks like this


New Member
Debian unstable, xfce, parts of buttons and items are cut off and the audio bars don't move, no errors in logs


Active Member
Debian unstable
Do other apps do that too? I suspect that the "unstable" build of the OS might be the problem, not OBS. It's meant to try things, break stuff, report what broke, etc. Use the "stable" builds for anything useful.



I did a Debian Testing (13/Trixie) install with XFCE and OBS Studio. It appears to work fine. See attached screenshot.

I don't see the same issues you see in your screenshot. Perhaps you have a theme or different fonts that are affecting the appearance.



New Member
I'm using yami (defualt) theme, changing themes in xfce does not fix, and no other applications do this

> Use the "stable" builds for anything useful.
Tell that to arch/any rolling distro users


Arch and rolling distros work differently. That doesn't mean you can't have a recent version of OBS Studio under Debian Stable. Right now in the Debian Stable (12/Bookworm) repository is version 29.0.2, which works well. If you need a more recent version of that, you can add the Deb Multimedia repository which has version 29.1.2. So that is quite up-to-date. Plus there are other recent OBS packages (snap?) that you can use with Debian Stable.

By using Debian "unstable", yes, you're getting a rolling release, but not one that is meant for general usage, unlike Arch and others. Use Debian unstable if you are a Debian developer, or similar. Otherwise use Debian stable or perhaps testing, if you want to be a bit more recent package base.

You could move the OBS config and see if it goes away:

mv ~/.config/obs-studio ~/.config/obs-studio-backup


Active Member
If you only want an up-to-date version of OBS, don't use the distro's repositories. Use OBS's PPA instead:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio

From this sticky thread in this forum (you did read those, right?):

So you use a "stable" release for, well, stability, and then you get OBS from there.


Using a Ubuntu PPA is another option.

The linked post information is quite old though. The "Linux version of OBS is still under development and contains many bugs" quote is from 2014. It isn't buggy anymore.

The kirillshkrogalev PPA linked there has a last update of 2014-11-15, as far as I can tell, so not really usable.


Ya, this repo is updated to most recent:

The kirillshkrogalev repo hasn't been updated since 2014.

Also, fwiw, sometimes the Ubuntu package repos don't cooperate with Debian.



FWIW, I also did a test install of OBS Studio in Debian Unstable (sid). See above screenshot.

It is the latest current version 29.1.3 (as is Debian Testing).

I don't see any of the artifacts that OP sees. This is default settings in XFCE, I just installed it and didn't change anything.