Bug Report It can not be imported the image of the DV camera


New Member
I am using the DV Camera of the IEEE1394 connection, but you will not be able to capture the video.
The device name is Microsoft DV Camera and VCR.
In OBS Classic Are you without a problem uptake.

Sorry in machine translation.

Suslik V

Active Member
When posting logs, please:
  1. make a record
  2. stop it, don't close OBS Studio
  3. upload current log-file
  4. close OBS Studio.


Forum Moderator
Unless the manufacturer supplied DirectShow drivers for the device, it can't be used like a webcam. You'd have to connect it to a capture card instead.

Suslik V

Active Member
Can you set 'Resolution/FPS Type' of the Video Capture Device to 'Custom' (in properties) and see, is there any resolutions under the 'Resolutions' drop down list? Choose some, if any available (for example, 320x240). Then click 'Video Format' drop down list and say what options do you see ( XRGB, YUY2 etc.)?