Question / Help It alawys crashes when i open it need help!!!!!!!


Forum Admin
This is a known issues on Macs with that GPU. We have a plan to fix it, but no ETA on the fix yet.


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
I'm actually going to work on it very soon. It won't be next update (which will be 0.5.0), but I'm definitely planning on it to be the update after next (presumably 0.6.0 or whichever update comes after 0.5.0 that isn't a hotfix)


New Member
Good to know, please make it priority as its driving me crazy i cant use it on mac when i delete my bootcamp partition... and im to lazy now to make it again ;)


Forum Admin
I know you're excited to use it, but also please keep in mind that most computers that have this issue won't run OBS very well even when this issue gets resolved, since the rest of their hardware is pretty old.


New Member
I'm actually going to work on it very soon. It won't be next update (which will be 0.5.0), but I'm definitely planning on it to be the update after next (presumably 0.6.0 or whichever update comes after 0.5.0 that isn't a hotfix)
ok i was gone stream something for a reset but thanks for considoring to fix this for us mac users