Question / Help Issues with random 0kbs drops (not windows 10 related)


New Member
Hello all,

A few weeks ago I started having issues where OBS would still appear to be running, the button that you click to start or stop streaming will still say 'stop streaming', however the stream to twich will randomly stop. Sometimes it will be two minutes, sometimes two hours.

My setup:
Windows 7
nvidia 980ti
core i5 4430
16 gigs of ram
Using nvenc at 1920x720 60 frames per second
two webcams

Things I have tried:
This is where things get interesting. I thought I was running into the issue with windows 10 AU. So I tried everything, the OpenGL fix, not running preview, uninstalling windows updates, etc. Still the issue persists. I've now even gone as far as installing windows 7... however the issue still remains! I've even reverted back to known working versions of OBS studio and nvidia drivers. I could really use some help as it is now starting to impact my numbers on my stream.


  • 2016-11-02 22-08-17.txt
    20 KB · Views: 19


Any logs? Do they point to any problems? Have you tried different ingress servers? Tried YouTube to verify its not related to Twitch (if using it) ?


New Member
There are logs, but no issues that I can see. It only shows when I attempt to stop the stream (which locks up OBS and I have to kill it via task manager). I've tried all the US ingress servers with no luck. I haven't done a youtube stream, but I will do so for testing purposes. Thank you!


New Member
I lied about the logs. I found this:
22:05:40.755: ==== Streaming Start ===============================================
22:06:08.758: adding 213 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 256 milliseconds
22:08:04.552: error: Failed locking bitstream buffer: invalid param (8)
22:08:04.552: [NVENC encoder: 'streaming_h264'] nvenc_encode: Error encoding: Invalid argument
22:08:04.775: Error encoding with encoder 'streaming_h264'
22:08:04.775: Called profile end with mismatching name: start("do_encode"[000007FEF8319B80]) <-> end("receive_video"[000007FEF8319B90])
22:08:11.027: adding 234 milliseconds of audio buffering, total audio buffering is now 490 milliseconds
22:08:15.096: ==== Shutting down ==================================================

any ideas on how to fix?


Forum Admin
Forum Moderator
Your log doesn't show anything that resembles the Windows 10 AU issue.

22:08:20.707: warning: This encoder is deprecated, use 'h264_nvenc' instead
You might be able to fix this warning by deselecting your NVENC encoder, saving your settings, then reselecting the NVENC encoder, and saving your settings.

22:08:04.552: error: Failed locking bitstream buffer: invalid param (8)
22:08:04.552: [NVENC encoder: 'streaming_h264'] nvenc_encode: Error encoding: Invalid argument
22:08:04.775: Error encoding with encoder 'streaming_h264'
This error is from FFmpeg, saying one of your NVENC parameters is invalid. I don't see something that stands out for that. What Nvidia driver are you running?

22:08:04.775: Called profile end with mismatching name: start("do_encode"[000007FEF8319B80]) <-> end("receive_video"[000007FEF8319B90])
I believe this error is fixed in OBS Studio 0.16.3. Try updating to that.


New Member
It appears that obs 0.16.3 has resolved my dropping issues. It was just surprising to see that it was happening on Windows 7. Thank you for your help!