Question / Help Issue with recording a game


New Member
If anyone could possibly help me with my issue, I'd greatly appreciate it. Essentially, whenever I try making a recording of the game Battle Brothers with OBS, the portraits in the action bar either go completely missing, or are replaced with a square box of what looks like TV static (see images).

Is there some kind of OBS setting I should be using? I've had the issue when recording in full screen, windowed mode, and borderless window through the game options, and with multiple resolutions. Everything else records fine, just the turn order bar is completely messed up when recording, but when not recording it goes back to normal.

Or is this potentially a hardware issue on my end?



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Forum Admin
You might need to use Window or Display Capture for that game. It looks like it's rendering oddly causing issues for Game Capture.


New Member
I've just asked a friend to record the same game, and he has no issues with Game Capture, so I'm presuming it's a hardware issue on my end.


Forum Admin
Curious. Game Capture is defaulting back to memory capture, which is definitely an issue. I'm not sure offhand all the reasons that can cause that outside having the multi-adapter compatibility option checked in Game Capture properties.


New Member
I'm curious if a resolution has been found on this? I have the exact same problem, on the same game. For me, I was trying to broadcast the game, instead of record it, but it looks the same. If I close OBS, it starts working normally.