Question / Help Is there any way of reducing the stutter caused by changing an image source path?


New Member
Not really Windows related as this is happening to me in either Linux or Windows, but there wasn't a general support forum.

So I've been making a lua script that changes some paths of some sources to automate the process, but I found a dead end. Whenever I change an Image Source, OBS will skip around 5-10 rendered frames (this was doing stuff manually without script), making it noticeable to the stream whenever I change the images especially if changing more than one at a time.

Weirdly enough, OBS won't skip any frame when changing the path of a Media Source, which is weird since a video file is at least 10 times larger than an image.

So is there any way of removing or improving this stutter? I tried moving the files to an SSD but the stutter is still there.