Question / Help Is there a way to tell when OBS is recording footage while in-game?

I'm a long-time FRAPS user switching to OBS because FRAPS is quite old at this point and I've been told OBS is better. I've still got a lot to learn about OBS and I've no issues experimenting and testing with it until everything works but there's one thing that's immediately bothering me. As the title says, is there a way to tell when OBS is actively recording without having to look at the OBS window? I play games full screen and I don't want to alt-tab out to check if OBS is picking up footage before I start and furthermore I need to know if it stops recording footage while I'm playing because it crashed or some error occurred. FRAPS had an FPS counter which would change color when recording and I was hoping to find a similar feature in OBS but I don't see one.

I'm new to these forums, I saw "plugins" and "tools" but I'm not sure which kind of thing this falls under so I'm posting it under support. If this topic belongs somewhere else I apologize.