New Member
I have a Radxa Zero 3W (small ARM Board) with Debian, Panfrost and RKMPP
I got ffmpeg-rkmpp running on it and in tests i got 50 fps for the encoder (ffmpeg -hide_banner -f lavfi -i testsrc2=duration=300:size=1920x1080:rate=30 -c:v h264_rkmpp test.mp4)
OBS with the Panfrost Driver works fine. i only have e problem on encoding.
i have compile ffmpeg-rkmpp and OBS. if i try to record with the h264_rkmpp encoder i only got 1 fps. with the ffmpeg test i got 50fps. why i got in obs only 1 fps?
and is there a esay way to add the ffmpeg with the h264_rkmpp encoder as a encoder for streaming?
so ffmpeg looks like integratet in obs as encoder but not for streaming
I have a Radxa Zero 3W (small ARM Board) with Debian, Panfrost and RKMPP
I got ffmpeg-rkmpp running on it and in tests i got 50 fps for the encoder (ffmpeg -hide_banner -f lavfi -i testsrc2=duration=300:size=1920x1080:rate=30 -c:v h264_rkmpp test.mp4)
OBS with the Panfrost Driver works fine. i only have e problem on encoding.
i have compile ffmpeg-rkmpp and OBS. if i try to record with the h264_rkmpp encoder i only got 1 fps. with the ffmpeg test i got 50fps. why i got in obs only 1 fps?
and is there a esay way to add the ffmpeg with the h264_rkmpp encoder as a encoder for streaming?
so ffmpeg looks like integratet in obs as encoder but not for streaming