Is the forum Search facility broken?


I'm currently having problems with OBS crashing whenever I try to output a lossless AVI file, so the first thing I do is come to the forums and search for "AVI". I get hundreds of returned threads yet none of them include the word AVI at all! Is there some black magic kinda way I should be searching the forums for information because presently I end up just posting my question knowing that most of the time there is an answer in there somewhere but the search function is just terrible at helping me find it. It would also be really helpful if we could search using operators as well e.g. "AVI" AND "CRASH" to return all threads with both words, rather than at the moment it just returns all threads with the word AVI or Crash in it.



The Helping Squad
I entered "lossless avi crash" as a test and got these results which look fine:

The problem with the search for "avi crash" might be that its very short and not very detailed giving you a ton of results (168 in my test). But the same happens on google or any other search engine. The results include your thread and the other thread though, marking "avi" and crash" in bold, so it searches for both or at least one I would guess.


Thanks Jack0r for the response. I guess what I'm asking for is the equivalent of the Google advanced search which allows you to fine-tune your query so as to really limit the number of results and therefore improve the likelihood of finding the right answer. Without this, people will not bother to search and will keep repeating the same old questions time and time again :(


Community Helper
For what it's worth, people will re-ask the same questions over and over regardless of the search functionality. :)

It comes with the territory.