Is Luma inversion possible on OBS.

Since the main reason I want this feature is so I could work around the logic that OBS currently uses to in a roundabout way achieve an RGB logic effect for a red and cyan and anaglyph, I know at first I thought I was going to need a photographic negative mode.

Then I thought since I want all the information to be complete pictures in black and red and black and cyan, since I start by saturating the films negative 100% to create pure black and white images I guess I don't need a color photographic negative.

Is there currently a function to get a complete Luma inversion where blacks become whites and whites become blacks and the respective black and white shades in the middle inverts to the opposite corresponding shade?

I noticed the settings have a chroma shift. But that affects the chroma independent of the Luma. Is there currently a way to have a complete Luma inversion? If so could you please tell me otherwise consider that another feature to add because I doubt you're going to change the ability to change the logic from pigment logic to light logic. Luckily pigment logic and light logic are inverses of each other so you could inverse the light to pigments use pigment logic like normal and then inverse again to get the intended light combination.

By the way I noticed a consolized VGA Virtual Boy combines in an RGB fashion where a red pixel plus a cyan pixel equals a white pixel.