Is It possible? OBS to Facebook live as a Guest


New Member

I am looking to see if this is something that can be done, and if so what is the process (what information do I need etc...) I have a content creator that wants to do a FB live with my band (remote location from the creator). I can use OBS to get the video and Audio (routed from my mixer), what I am looking to see is how can I send this to FB live as a GUEST of a FB live event, not the creator? Is this even possible?



Active Member
Realize Guest has both a technical meaning and general usage.
Technically, no 'Guest' (anyone, from anywhere, unauthenticated, any content) can't upload content, as that would be a REALLY bad idea
Now, as for a specific someone else (named FB account, not 'guest') uploading to a FB account? sure you can have Admin and other users, with a named 'personal' FB user accounts granted rights to stream....
HOWEVER ... more importantly is how you want this to look? Think video conference with multiple, separate rooms (with audience picking which they watch... not even sure if FB can do this like Teams/Zoom meetings)
... but I suspect you are thinking about a composited video (ie your video source and theirs Picture-in-Picture? ... ie what OBS Studio does... compositing multiple sources). And I've not come across FB being able to act as a compositing platform... maybe... but I certainly wouldn't count on such from a free service

I believe there are some for-fee online services that could accomplish online compositing then re-streaming (with natural loss of quality that comes from re-encoding (lossy compression)