Question / Help Is audio playthrough supported or planned?


New Member

Since this is my first post to the forum, big thanks to all the contributors of OBS for such a wonderful piece of software! I've been using it for some time now for all sorts of live streams, but all for other content than gaming. For example yesterday I used it in a live streaming test for the Finnish Rally Championship series, an 8 hour marathon broadcast mostly from the forest roads: (best parts around 2 hours) OBS worked very well, all other components failed from time to time, but the goals of the test were all met. If you have any questions about how that was done, I'm happy to answer.

During that and other streams I've of course found a few limitations in OBS, but the biggest problem so far has been mixing the audio. Is there a way to listen to the audio from sources while streaming that I have missed? So far at least all my Googling and toying around with OBS hasn't helped. If it is not possible currently, is someone working on it or plans to work on it in the near future?

If not, as I'm a seasoned programmer, I could probably help here. I've been going through the source for some time and just recently had to make a small brute force override to the "default" ffmpeg settings to get some special audio input working, so I'm starting find my way around the code a little. There are of course many other things I'd like to work on in OBS, but let's start "simple". :)


As a workaround for pulse sources, you could use a module called module-loopback in order to send the audio from inputs to your output sink. That is, if you don't capture your desktop audio.


New Member
Thanks! I'll start prototyping something then, since I'd like to have this working at least somehow pretty soon. bazukas, unfortunately I'm mostly using the Media Source plugin with RTMP streams, so that method doesn't help.